GitHub mode

Keystatic's github mode unleashes enhanced collaboration capabilities.

To use it, you'll need your project on an existing GitHub repository. Collaborators will need write access to this repository.

Setting up GitHub mode

Start by changing the storage option in your Keystatic config to use the github kind.

You will need to specifiy a repo owner and name:

storage: {
-   kind: 'local',
+   kind: 'github',
+   repo: {
+     owner: REPO_OWNER,
+     name: REPO_NAME
+   }   

You can also define the repo as a string with the owner/name format:

storage: {
   kind: 'github',
   repo: `${REPO_OWNER}/${REPO_NAME}`

Connecting with GitHub

With github mode on, visit the /keystatic route. You will be prompted to login with GitHub.

The first time you click this button will initiate the setup process:

Screenshot of Keystatic App setup

If you happen to know the URL of your deployed project and/or the GitHub repo is owned by a GitHub organization, you can fill in those fields.

Otherwise, leave them blank and click on "Create GitHub App".

Create a custom GitHub App

The next step will walk you through creating a GitHub App. Choose a name for your app, and proceed.

Grant repo access

Next, you will need to grant this new GitHub App access to your GitHub repo:

Screenshot of successful Keystatic App installation
Screenshot of GitHub custom app authorization UI

Finally, you will be taken back to your local Keystatic Admin UI... running in github mode!


You can tell Keystatic runs in github mode by the extra UI around your GitHub repo, like a branch dropdown.

New environment variables

Behind the scenes, some environment variables were generated in a .env file on your project:

# Keystatic

These variables are used to authenticate users with GitHub, based on their access to the GitHub repo in question.

Next time someone with write access on the repo visits /keystatic, they will be able to login and access the Admin UI.

Branch prefix

The branchPrefix option lets you scope out what GitHub branches Keystatic should interact with:

storage: {
   kind: 'github',
   repo: 'Thinkmill/keystatic',
+   branchPrefix: 'my-prefix/'

Keystatic will only list branches starting with my-prefix/ in the Admin UI, and will only let you create new branches with that prefix.

Deploying Keystatic

Coming soon 🚧


The process of deploying Keystatic can vary based on where you're deploying, but here's the TL;DR:

  • Copy the Keystatic environment variables over to your deployed environment,
  • Make sure the host can run Node.js for Keystatic's API routes.